Home Blog Israeli Troops Enter Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital

Israeli Troops Enter Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital


Israeli troops have entered  Gaza’s largest hospital;   they say they’re targeting Hamas militants inside. And the House of Representatives  has passed a short-term spending   bill to help avert a government shutdown. The Israeli military says its troops have  entered the largest hospital complex in   Gaza. It says Hamas militants are operating  a command center there. NPR’s Lauren Frayer   reports medical staff and patients  are trapped inside the hospital: Israel’s military says it’s carrying out a precise  and targeted operation in a specific area of the   Al-Shifa hospital complex. It called on any  Hamas fighters inside to surrender. From the   crowded hospital, the head of its burns unit tells  Al Jazeera that people are being told to move away   from the windows. They’re panic-stricken,  he says. Israel accuses Hamas of basing   fighters in or under hospitals. The U.S. says  its intelligence suggests the same. Meanwhile,   after the United Nations said its fuel depot in  Gaza is now empty and that many more people would   die as a result, Israeli defense officials  now say they will allow fuel into Gaza for   the first time since October 7th. They say  it’s in response to a request from the U.S. Lauren Frayer, NPR News, Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization says it   has also lost contact with medical  staffers inside the Gaza hospital. 

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