Martin Scorsese has become a TikTok sensation in recent months — and it looks like his family wanted to highlight that for his birthday … with a sweet treat that’s totally lit.
The famed director — who’s as old school as it gets — hit the big 8-1 Friday … and his loved ones threw him a little shindig to celebrate — complete with a cake, of course, that was intricately decked out to reflect his viral stardom.
Check it out … his 24-year-old daughter, Francesca, got some video of her dad’s born-day pastry — and it’s full of Gen Z lingo that Marty’s apparently pretty keen on.
The big icing writing across reads, “We Slay Birthdays” … and other hip phrases like “Tea,” “Slept On,” “Throw Shade” and “Ick” are stenciled on all sides — with a giant TikTok logo on top, of course.

Tik Tok/@francescascorsese
Francesca certainly seemed impressed by the job that their cake decorator did on this … and for good reason — it’s pretty freaking awesome. Papa Bear himself also looked pleased.
If you’re unaware of what this is all about … Francesca’s been featuring MS on her TikTok videos lately — and she’s been having him use all the fun features, like voice-changers, and having him play viral games that all the young’ns are into … including movie rankings.
Dude’s already a legend in film … and now, on social media too. King s***, dead ass.