Fantasia Barrino doesn’t do anything half-ass, evident in the fact that she was singing her heart out during a table read for her new film … just imagine how the real thing sounds.
The “American Idol” alum is part of the star-studded cast for “The Color Purple” — which just got released into theaters today … and which is stirring up a lot of Oscar buzz, not to mention a ton of praise for the musical performances — including one from Fantasia.
She handles one big number in there, in particular, called “I’m Here” … and on Sunday, her costar Colman Domingo posted a video from their final table read as a cast last year.
Check it out … it’s pretty incredible to see. Fantasia is fully in character as Celie, and she’s belting out this song with everything she’s got — which makes for an awesome showcasing of her talent. You can tell the other actors were impressed, encouraging her along the way.
Fantasia has sung this song before … as she played this exact role for the Broadway version of ‘TCP’ — and now, she’ll be doing it for the big screen — which is pretty exciting to see.
The reviews for this film are pretty stellar, and it should make a splash at the box office.
Mind you, this version of “The Color Purple” is a full-blown musical … so we’re sure to see/hear a lot more performances like this one — and the early word is, ‘TCP’ is a frontrunner for Best Picture at next year’s Oscars ceremony since it’s so freaking good.
Now, if only these leading ladies could earn what they’re worth … that would be GREAT!!!