Vivek Ramaswamy is hoping Jake Paul can deliver a knockout punch for him on the campaign trail … which is why they’re teaming up for a critical stretch in his bid for the GOP nomination.
The presidential primary season starts next Monday in Iowa … and we’re told Jake and Vivek will be side-by-side on Sunday as they travel around the state urging Gen-Zers to come out and vote.

Vivek’s spokesperson, Tricia McLaughlin, tells TMZ … “We’re very excited Jake’s joining on the campaign trail and we’re hoping it can really drive out younger people.”
She goes on to say that while Vivek is seeing a lot of enthusiasm from young voters, Jake’s star power and ability to command a crowd is going to be a major asset on the eve of the Iowa caucus.
We’re told the duo will travel in Vivek’s private plane to events at 4 of the biggest universities in Iowa … all as part of the “Commit to Caucus Rally.”
Tricia says Vivek talked to Jake about joining the campaign trail a few weeks ago … when he attended Jake’s fight against Andre August in Florida. As we reported, Jake hooked up Vivek with ringside seats.
Make no mistake, Ramaswamy needs a big spark. Recent polls show he’s well under 10 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus voters … but Vivek’s campaign is adamant they’re tapping into a group of voters that isn’t accounted for in those polls.
Whether it be social media or boxing Jake has proven he knows how to draw a crowd — but now we’ll see if he can draw folks to cast a vote for Ramaswamy.