Home GardeningGarden Design Great Garden Design – the Key is Simplicity – Successful Garden & Lifestyle Design

Great Garden Design – the Key is Simplicity – Successful Garden & Lifestyle Design


Whilst I’m not a fan of the overused expression “Less is More” (which does not apply to cake or chocolate), can be pertinent to designing a garden, especially for modern styles…

This is a garden I designed & built back in 2001, yet it could have been built yesterday.

It has stood the test of time because it’s stripped back to the simplest colour scheme of all – 50 shades of green!

Admittedly, the focal points of this garden help enormously, but even so, it does go to show that you don’t have to have loud, shouty colours to create an impact…

Here’s the garden from another angle…

You can see it was a display garden we built at a local garden centre to show off their new range of natural stone landscaping materials.

The next garden was also kept very simple but this time a little more subtle, soft colours added…

Again, a really simple colour palette – predominantly green and white planting with a touch of aqua blue with the crushed glass. It’s brighter than the first garden but not overpowered with colour.

That’s not to say colour is a bad thing, done correctly, bright colours can be fantastic.

Start with simplicity and add to it

It’s very hard to pull an over-fussy design back to visually pleasing. It’s much easier to start with something very simple and then add colour if you want it.

If you can get your design to work in the simplest of terms and look good, you have great foundations to then work from when you add colour and statues.

Learn the simple design formula that few professionals know (and should!)

Whether it’s time for a new career or you just want to learn how to make your own garden stunning – choose from 3 free online garden design classes…



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