Home GardeningGarden Tips The Everything Guide to Watering Houseplants

The Everything Guide to Watering Houseplants


To water or not to water: that is the question. Indoor plants can be finicky when it comes to watering and many new houseplant owners have difficulty in maintaining a good watering regime. From the types of water to use to watering methods, this guide covers everything you need to know about watering houseplants.

swiss cheese plant

Have you ever walked by a plant, spotted the droopy leaves, and gotten an immediate sense of guilt? Whether I’m on my way out or tucking in for the night, I am always quick to grab a watering can, give the plant a good soak, and whisper a quick sorry.

Luckily, our plants are often forgiving when it comes to watering. Slowly we learn our plant’s specific needs. Eventually, we can know when they need more water even before they do.

Over the years, houseplant gardening has changed a lot and has exploded in popularity. There is so much conflicting information on places like Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok. For the best information possible, I really recommend these books as a great resource for houseplant gardening. And of course, you can also find more information in my other articles on indoor gardening.

Today, I want to show you some tricks about:

thriving houseplant that's well wateredthriving houseplant that's well watered
These tips apply to all potted plants!

How to Tell if Your Houseplants Need Water

Our plant friends are very good at letting us know when they need water. Plant leaves are quick to get droopy, yellow, and crisp and eventually fall off when they need water. Succulents may be the exception to the rule, as their leaves aren’t as easy to wilt.

The best way to test your plant’s moisture is by touching the soil. If the soil is still moist or damp at all, leave it! Plants like to fully dry out between waterings to give their roots a chance to breathe.

So, how often should you be watering houseplants? While the rules may seem simple (i.e., water this plant twice a week and that plant once a week, etc.), the reality is we can’t really say.

Instead, I suggest not having a regiment. Simply water your plants whenever they need it! You can tell this easily by picking up the plants and seeing if they are light (water makes them heavy) and also by testing the soil with your finger.

It’s important to know that plants’ needs will adjust seasonally. Throughout the year, your plants will require different watering schedules. In the summer, you will have to water your indoor plants much more frequently than you will in the winter.

arranging houseplants on windowarranging houseplants on window
Touch the soil to your first knuckle prior to watering to see if it’s dry.

How to Water Your Houseplants

Imagine you’ve had a long day out in the sun without a water bottle. What’s the first thing you do when you get home? Glug a ton of water down!

Your plants feel the exact same way. It is good to give them a thorough soaking whenever you water them.

Give Your Plants a Bath

If possible, I like to bring my plants into the bathtub or sink and water them directly in there. I let the water soak through once and then give it another good soaking to ensure the soil absorbs as much as possible.

watering houseplant in sinkwatering houseplant in sink
Water lots, less often.

Ensure There is Proper Drainage

Drainage holes are a MUST when it comes to your indoor plants. Pooling water can cause root rot and unhappy plants if the water can’t escape. For plants that you can’t bring to the sink, water thoroughly with a water can until you see water in the saucer. Leave it for ten minutes, and then dump out the saucer water.

Choose Terracotta Pots

Terracotta pots are great at absorbing moisture. When watering houseplants in terracotta pots, let the water sink in for a couple of minutes, and then just tip the plant slightly over and carefully dump out the remaining water.

Avoid Watering (Some) Leaves

Some plants don’t like to get their leaves wet, such as African violets or succulents. As a general rule, avoid getting water on any furry, soft foliage. Also, water plants in the mornings so the water has time to evaporate off the leaves during the day.

Potted african violet in a windowsilPotted african violet in a windowsil
Avoid watering the leaves, instead opting to water the base of the plant.

Research the Plant’s Watering Needs

All plants are a little different when it comes to watering. For example, ferns love wet leaves and air plants enjoy misting. Always research your plant’s specific care needs.

Cacti and succulents are always killed from overwatering. Test the soil before every water and ensure they are bone dry before watering again. They must (must!) have drainage holes.

How to Water Big Plants

Big plants are big drinkers. Since you can’t water them in the sink or tub, you will want to have a large saucer sitting under your larger-sized plants.

Use a pen or chopstick to poke holes throughout the soil about 3 inches deep. This will help the water to get far enough down. Don’t poke too many holes, or you can damage the root system!

I also suggest using a watering can with a narrow spout. This helps to get through foliage and water directly on the soil.

Peace lily indoorsPeace lily indoors
Poke holes into the soil with a chopstick to help get water to the roots of larger plants.

Try Self-Watering

If one of your plants needs lots and lots of water, you may want to consider investing or making some self-watering planters. This ensures they are getting enough water even if you forget or go away on vacation.

For thirsty plants, you can also add a layer of pebbles on top of the soil to help retain moisture for longer periods of time.

Water with a Saucer

Some plants really love this method! Fill the saucer or tray with water and let the roots and soil suck it up on their own. Keep refilling it until the water is no longer absorbed. However, don’t let the roots sit in the water. After they are done soaking it up, dump the remaining water.

This watering method works for plants that don’t like getting their stems wet, such as cacti, succulents, and African violets.

Types of Water to Use for Houseplants

From well water to rainwater, believe me when I say the type of water for watering houseplants can make a huge difference. Softened tap water can have too many salts in it that build up in the soil over time. Meanwhile, rainwater could have some extra nitrates hiding inside it.

If you don’t have rainwater on hand, don’t worry. Filtration systems are great for plants. Another great method is to fill up your watering can for next time directly after watering your plants. After sitting out for 24 hours, the water dechlorinates and becomes room temperature…plants’ water of choice!

Watering houseplants Watering houseplants

Signs of Overwatering Houseplants

More often than not, people are giving their plants too much attention! Overwatering is very common with indoor plants but can easily be fixed by adjusting your watering schedule.

First things first, you will want to look at how your plant is behaving. Brown leaves that feel soft and limp, yellowing leaves, stunted growth during their peak growing period, blisters or lesions on the plant, and wilting are all signs of overwatering. However, some of these things can also be a sign of underwatering! So next, we need to check the soil.

If your soil is still wet and your plant is in distress, overwatering is likely the culprit. You can test your moisture levels by simply sticking your finger in the soil or even by lifting the pot and seeing if it is still heavy with water.

Roots need oxygen to survive. Otherwise, they will rot and die. Even if your plant has excellent drainage, keeping your soil constantly wet doesn’t allow enough air to reach the roots. Root rot from too much water looks like slimy, grey, or brown roots.

Beyond soil and the plant, you may also notice pests and an odor from your plant. A lot of pests, like gnats, thrive in damp places. Bacteria and fungi also grow in the moisture, making your plant give off an unpleasant odor. Root rot also can get stinky!

dying pilea leafdying pilea leaf
Touching and looking at the soil is the best indicator of inefficient watering.

Signs of Underwatering Houseplants

Plants can get pretty thirsty, too. Some of the signs of overwatering and underwatering are similar, which means it can get confusing. Plants that have discoloured leaves, slow growth, and are wilting could be underwatered. Brown leaves, where the leaves feel dry and crispy (as opposed to soft and limp), also mean underwatering.

If your plant shows one of these signs of distress and you’re unsure whether it is under or over watered, turn to the soil. If the soil is completely dry and even pulling away from the edge of the pot, it is underwatered.

Some plants may dry out very quickly despite frequent watering. This may mean it requires a bigger pot in order to support more water and hold more moisture longer.

snake plant sitting on book stack next to a brass watering can on a window ledgesnake plant sitting on book stack next to a brass watering can on a window ledge
Smaller pots also dry out more quickly than larger pots.

FAQ About Watering Houseplants

What is the best thing to water houseplants with?

I recommend getting a watering can with a narrow spout. This will allow you to avoid watering the leaves, instead aiming for the base of the plant and the soil. Use rainwater or dechlorinated water to water your houseplants. You can dechlorinate water by filling up the watering can and letting the water sit for 24 hours before watering your plants.

Should you water your houseplants from the top or bottom?

Both will work fine if you’re watering properly. Bottom watering is popular because it ensures that your plant gets the right amount of water it needs. It also keeps the leaves from getting wet, which can be bad for some plants like succulents or African violets.

Can you overwater by bottom watering?

Technically, yes, but it’s harder to overwater than if you’re watering from the top. The soil can become oversaturated if it sits for too long or if you don’t dump out any excess water sitting in the saucer.

With a little know-how, your plants will now be able to thrive! If you have any more questions, leave them in the comments below.

More Tips for Growing Houseplants

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